Are you feeling stuck in your pain, trauma or stress?

You’re not alone. Want to feel like yourself again using 100% holistic care?

Get Amazing Results
Balance the mind and body.

At Apana Bodywork we’ve done decades long research and development on what works to clear out stored emotion and pain from the body, mind and soul on the path of least resistance. Whether it’s joint pain or stiffness, life stress or past trauma we’ve got you covered. Seamlessly moving from one healing technique to another based on your needs and goals.

We Can Help With

Physical Healing

  • Chronic Pain
  • Injuries
  • Tightness

Emotional Healing

  • Anxiousness & Depression
  • Grief & Loss
  • Stress & Trauma

Trame Vibrational Therapy

Optimize the body's energy flow.
What is Trame Vibrational Therapy?
Enhance the circulation of energy within the body.

La Trame was developed by Patrick Burensteinas; a physicist who specialized in quantum physics. He created La Trame Vibrational Therapy in 1990 to enhance the circulation of energy within the body, so it can function with optimal efficiency.

Using concepts of ancient alchemy and the universal quantum grid, this therapy acts by harmonizing the vibration within the body and removing any obstructions in the natural energy flow that may have been caused by stress, unresolved emotions, limiting beliefs or physical injury.

Madeleine Chevrier is certified with the Association Canadienne de La Trame.

What is trame vibrational therapy?

Muscle Activation Techniques

Unlock your body's potential
How Can Muscle Activation Techniques Help Me?
Decreased/eliminated pain & inflammation.

MAT uses range of motion assessments that cover every joint in the body. Although treatments can range in terms of overall success rate, an increase in range of motion and strength can be achieved and maintained within a single session. The end result of a successful treatment is greater muscle strength, increased range of motion and decreased/eliminated pain & inflammation.

MAT can help you move better by working with the muscle/the nervous system connection. Instead of fighting with a tight muscle, sometimes it’s the body that is creating that tightness because another muscle isn’t working properly. MAT can find those weak muscles and get them working again so your body doesn’t have to be so tight.

Pain is usually caused by excessive force going through a muscle- so again balancing your muscles will help alleviate the strain on those overworked muscles.

Qi Gong & Reiki

Clear tightness, pain and blockages in the body
Qi Gong & Reiki
Maximize your healing.

Qi gong is a deeply clearing hands-on treatment that assists with clearing tightness, pain and blockages in the body. For example a client presented with upper back tightness and pain lasting 12 years that was cleared after one MAT/Qi gong session. Monthly maintenance has kept this client happy and pain free.

Qi gong movements also assists clients in clearing emotional or stress related symptoms in combination with Trame Vibrational Therapy.  Madeleine recommends treatments based on your symptoms, goals and your openness to adopting some new behaviors to assist in your healing.

The treatments are designed to maximize your healing to reach your treatment goals as efficiently as possible.

A master reiki healing session begins with Tibetan singing bowls to help clear and ground you.  A sweep of your energy field is followed by balancing each chakra of the body. The practitioners hands are above or lightly on different points of the body to help bring healing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  Your intuitive and personalized reiki healing session expands and aligns your energetic system leaving you refreshed and recharged finishing with a uplifting essential oil spray. Option: to add neck and face massage and/or hot towel foot massage (*included in session)


Accelerate your healing
Accelerate your healing.

I firmly believe that any individual has all the answers and wisdom they need inside them.  My task, as a coaching professional, is to draw that inner knowing out in a supportive and encouraging environment in order to facilitate forward growth.

Why Coaching?

Coaching isn’t something that people just wake up knowing they need or want. It’s a process that allows individuals to speak their thoughts aloud and bring clarity and organization to what they want to tackle in their lives, both at work and at home.  Once clients become clear on what they want, it becomes easier to make progress toward achieving their desires.

That is the power of a coach.

You are the expert. You are in charge of the agenda, while the coach is simply there to listen, observe,  ask questions and reflect back in order to facilitate forward growth.

A coach will help you:

  • Gain Self-Awareness
  • Clarify Goals
  • Achieve your Objectives
  • Optimize your Potential
  • Provide a safe and Non-Judgmental space
  • Create New Learning & Growth
  • Create New Possibilities
  • Provide Perspectives for you to choose from


Madeleine Chevrier is a NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner since 2016 as well as a Adler Trained Coach. She has an intuitive as well as inquisitive  approach to coaching.  She has always had a fascination with why people do what they do and how best to optimize personal and professional growth.

As a healer, Madeleine’s fifteen years experience in helping people along their personal growth journey and coaching is just another way up that mountain. She finds it really satisfying to see the surprise and delight on clients’ faces when they’ve figured out a simple solution to a long held problem.


Unlock the energy within
Unlock the energy within.

Workshop Inquiries:

If you are interested in taking a reiki course, whether you are currently certified or not, reach out to find out upcoming dates.

If you have a group of 4 or more people, we can organize a specific date for your Reiki training. 

You will learn:

  • About the chakra system, how it works, how it translates consciousness and where they are located in the body.
  • How to channel higher energies so that you can become a channel for healing
  • Increase physical life force energy
  • Jumpstarting the healing process and Healing yourself for 30 days is the main goal of level I Reiki
  • Recharge and replenish your energy
  • After completion of this level you can practice healing on family, friends & pets!

You will learn:

  • Focus on Emotional and karmic level healing
  • Focus is on healing others (6 mos. to complete)
  • Can heal others in exchange for energy/money
  • Attunement Increases the amount of emotional and karmic healing energy for practitioner
  • Learn Sa-hei-ki Symbol for healing emotional and karmic blockages
    • Human Energy Anatomy: Zooming out into the Layers of energetic Dimensions
    • Archangels & Quan Yin
    • Intuitive messages: honing in on your unique intuitive gifts
    • Practical aspects of healing others (set up, creating a safe space etc.)
    • The power of Intention in healing
  • Increases energy on the spiritual level
  • Focus on healing past, present and future
  • Delving deeper into the Chakras and their link to Organs/Glands
    and more…
  • Can teach Reiki and attune students to the Reiki energies
  • Can perform distance healing
  • Attunement Increases the amount of healing energy for practitioner
  • the healing power of crystals and where to place them on the client
  • How to energetically clear spaces, rooms, houses, workplaces for optimum energy flow
  • Akashik records: what they are, how to access them in a healing
  • The 6 Original Solfeggio Frequencies, healing frequencies
  • Brain waves and what they are most conducive for
  • The process of attunement so you can attune your reiki students

Note: the levels must be completed in order. Level I first and so on, if you have already completed your reiki training elsewhere you still are required to start from level I as not all teachers cover the same material and have different backgrounds.

Background: My Reiki teacher was advanced in Bhuddism and this is reflected in the material I cover and the healing symbols as well as mantras I teach.
My educational background is in Kinesiology and psychology so the physical systems of the body are a focus for me as well as mindset and individual experiences/history.
Start Healing Today
Bring harmony and balance to the mind and body.
About Apana Bodywork
We’re here to help!

At Apana Bodywork, we strive to bring harmony and balance to the mind and body while clearing out stored blockages and emotions that may be slowing down the healing process.

Madeleine Chevrier

Madeleine Chevrier is a Trame Vibrational therapist, Reiki Master Healer and teacher, Certified Muscle Activation Specialist, Qi Gong practitioner with over 20 years of industry experience in healing, coaching and rehabilitation.

Madeleine has always had a passion for healing. Finding the missing pieces to heal physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually have been a source of lifelong learning for her.  There are people needlessly suffering when there are holistic solutions available that greatly clear out stress, trauma and pain.  Madeleine’s strength is to help others feel seen, heard and understood while keeping it light. Education, healing and empowerment are the three pillars she centers her practice around.

When Madeleine went through a trauma twelve years ago, she was in a state of perpetual fight or flight and felt stuck in almost every way. She contemplated leaving this field, which is her passion and going on anxiety medication until she found Trame and qigong. See full story here.

She uses all that she’s learned to help you shed any layers of stress, pain and trauma that you no longer wish to carry with you in a non-judgemental and safe space.