Trame Vibrational Therapy

Accelerate your healing

What is Trame Vibrational Therapy?

La Trame was developed by Patrick Burensteinas; a physicist who specialized in quantum physics. He created La Trame Vibrational Therapy in 1990 to enhance the circulation of energy within the body, so it can function with optimal efficiency.

Using concepts of ancient alchemy and the universal quantum grid, this therapy acts by harmonizing the vibration within the body and removing any obstructions in the natural energy flow that may have been caused by stress, unresolved emotions, limiting beliefs or physical injury.

Madeleine Chevrier is certified with the Association Canadienne de La Trame.

What Does Trame Do?

  • Realigns the physical structure of your body after a physical impact Ex. Concussion or injury
  • Removes blockages leading to emotional and physical pain
  • Clears out cellular memories from trauma, stress and unresolved emotions
  • Releases subconscious beliefs that no longer serve you Ex. Changes in perspective
  • Impacts your relationship with self, others and your environment
  • Improves communication

Who Does Trame Work For?

From babies to the elderly, Trame is a safe and reliable technique. The treatment itself is much shorter on an infant than it is on a teenager or adult. It does not require belief or any mindset or homework. It is very simple in that you show up, have the treatment and then have three weeks to integrate the changes.

What Does a Trame Session Look Like?

During a Trame Session you lie fully clothed on a massage table where 16 hand positions are lightly placed on your body. You may feel hot, cold, tingling, twitching, numbness, floating or nothing at all.

This 45 minute treatment will powerfully clear out stored emotions and blockages in your body while also re-aligning your framework. While the treatment is underway most people go into a very deep state of relaxation or sleep and wake up very calm.

How Long Does Treatment Last / How Long is Treatment Required?

Changes from the treatment begin to be felt once the session is complete as well as for up to 40 days afterwards. You may receive another Trame session after three weeks have passed to allow your body time to adjust and integrate the changes. Some people experience detox symptoms for a day or two that aren’t as intense or as prolonged as you would usually experience. This detox is simply blockages coming up to the surface to be released and cleared away.

What clients love about Trame is that you don’t need to come back again and again to see great results. For most people 3-5 Trame sessions is enough to reach their treatment goals.