Unlock the energy within.

Workshop Inquiries:

If you are interested in taking a reiki course, whether you are currently certified or not, reach out to find out upcoming dates.

If you have a group of 4 or more people, we can organize a specific date for your Reiki training. 

You will learn:

  • About the chakra system, how it works, how it translates consciousness and where they are located in the body.
  • How to channel higher energies so that you can become a channel for healing
  • Increase physical life force energy
  • Jumpstarting the healing process and Healing yourself for 30 days is the main goal of level I Reiki
  • Recharge and replenish your energy
  • After completion of this level you can practice healing on family, friends & pets!

You will learn:

  • Focus on Emotional and karmic level healing
  • Focus is on healing others (6 mos. to complete)
  • Can heal others in exchange for energy/money
  • Attunement Increases the amount of emotional and karmic healing energy for practitioner
  • Learn Sa-hei-ki Symbol for healing emotional and karmic blockages
    • Human Energy Anatomy: Zooming out into the Layers of energetic Dimensions
    • Archangels & Quan Yin
    • Intuitive messages: honing in on your unique intuitive gifts
    • Practical aspects of healing others (set up, creating a safe space etc.)
    • The power of Intention in healing
  • Increases energy on the spiritual level
  • Focus on healing past, present and future
  • Delving deeper into the Chakras and their link to Organs/Glands
    and more…
  • Can teach Reiki and attune students to the Reiki energies
  • Can perform distance healing
  • Attunement Increases the amount of healing energy for practitioner
  • the healing power of crystals and where to place them on the client
  • How to energetically clear spaces, rooms, houses, workplaces for optimum energy flow
  • Akashik records: what they are, how to access them in a healing
  • The 6 Original Solfeggio Frequencies, healing frequencies
  • Brain waves and what they are most conducive for
  • The process of attunement so you can attune your reiki students

Note: the levels must be completed in order. Level I first and so on, if you have already completed your reiki training elsewhere you still are required to start from level I as not all teachers cover the same material and have different backgrounds.

Background: My Reiki teacher was advanced in Bhuddism and this is reflected in the material I cover and the healing symbols as well as mantras I teach.
My educational background is in Kinesiology and psychology so the physical systems of the body are a focus for me as well as mindset and individual experiences/history.